Qld EGM Gaming Analysis April 2023

 April ’23 up by +0.6% on April ’22 (Clubs by +3.9%, Pubs down by -1.8%). April ’23 down by -3.4% on last month March ’23 (Clubs by -0.8%, Pubs by -5.4%)

April ’23 was a “sound” month for club and pub machine gaming in Qld, posting a minor increase on last year of +0.6% but falling by -3.4% on the strong performance last month in March ’23.

Clubs posted a good result, with strong growth over last year and only a minor decline on last month, clawing back some market share from pubs.

There were some strong performances in regional areas and smaller markets with localised economic conditions driving results.

Happy trading,

Geoff Wohlsen